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2 Freeport Salesman Jobs Found
Lily M
Freeport, New York
Active over a week ago
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We are a martial arts supplies company based in Freeport, New York.
We need a sales person full time or part time.
A sales person required with fluent english and at least high school degree with some sales experience. Most part of the job is receiving ca...
A sales person required with fluent english and at least high school degree with some sales experience. Most part of the job is receiving calls to take customer orders or answer customer inquiries about the orders. hours are 10am to 6pm monday to friday.
for more information please call 92925739...
Eugenie J
Freeport, New York
Active over a week ago
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Finacial Representative
Provide Financial Services for customers. Financial services sales representatives meet with clients to discuss financial goals, investment...
Provide Financial Services for customers. Financial services sales representatives meet with clients to discuss financial goals, investment timelines and risk tolerance. They then recommend financial services and products to meet client needs. These might include insurance policies, credit cards, checking accounts, loans, mutual funds and stocks.
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