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2 Muncie Salesman Jobs Found
Reza D
Muncie, Indiana
Active over a week ago
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I have a manufacturing producing Bathroom Tissue
I like some one to sell Bathroom tissue. I will pay commission. it is going to be big amount and when you sell you can make good money becau...
I like some one to sell Bathroom tissue. I will pay commission. it is going to be big amount and when you sell you can make good money because usually this product moves big volume.
1200 cases in a truck.
Natasha M
Muncie, Indiana
Active over a week ago
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Seeking Sales Associate for B2B sales for Process Serving and Document Scanning.
IDS is looking for a sales associate who can identify, contact, and secure work from both existing and new clients. Pay scale is negotiable,...
IDS is looking for a sales associate who can identify, contact, and secure work from both existing and new clients. Pay scale is negotiable, preferably Commission based.
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