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2 Shreveport Salesman Jobs Found
Northeast Pennants A
Shreveport, Louisiana
Active over a week ago
Seeking motivated B2B and or Internet salesperson willing to help me sell my products to novelty stores.
The services I need is someone willing to work with me to help build sales and long repeat customers in Louisiana.
Pennant flags are a popu...
The services I need is someone willing to work with me to help build sales and long repeat customers in Louisiana.
Pennant flags are a popular item and although I am a new start up, I am looking to grow into a small multi business, but need help in accomplishing.
You can do this on your own time. The more you sell, the higher the pay.
You will be acting as a sub contractor....
Make Extra Income L
Shreveport, Louisiana
Active over a week ago
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No.1 Network Marketing Opportunity!
Wake Up Now is the Single best wellness opportunity in the NATION! ONLY Serious Oportunity Seekers should consider Wake Up Now. Where else c...
Wake Up Now is the Single best wellness opportunity in the NATION! ONLY Serious Oportunity Seekers should consider Wake Up Now. Where else can you earn $600-$250... EXTRA income & receive MAJOR discounts from hotels, vacations packages, groceries, & Top name brand stores just by being a memeber?? Ask yourself ARE YOU READY for a finacial change?? If so don't delay contact me T...
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