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3 Fort Myers Salesman Jobs Found
Dan C
Fort Myers, Florida
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
50 Per Warm Lead
I work for an online startup. We have a very versatile product that incentivizes good deeds and is a harbinger for cause marketing. I beli...
I work for an online startup. We have a very versatile product that incentivizes good deeds and is a harbinger for cause marketing. I believe that if you can get me a meeting with a warm lead who’s interested in cause marketing that I can close them. I just need someone to warm them up and get them excited for a meeting. I’m willing to pay $50 for each warm lead. Any business...
Winston W
Fort Myers, Florida
Active over a week ago
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We are seeking a commission based sales consultant to acquire a list of local businesses in your area.
We are seeking a commission based sales consultant to acquire a list of local businesses in your area. We need a sales consultant who is fan...
We are seeking a commission based sales consultant to acquire a list of local businesses in your area. We need a sales consultant who is fantastic at generating business to business activity. You should know your city like the back of your hand to succeed in this role. Also know how to get out there and knock on local businesses doors and get them opened to actually help them s...
Evan S
Fort Myers, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Young Company Looking for a Sales Master to Partner with Long Term
My company and I need someone who is ready to partner with me and help take my digital marketing agency to the next level. I just need someo...
My company and I need someone who is ready to partner with me and help take my digital marketing agency to the next level. I just need someone who will work part time off commissions (which are very high percentages, nothing below 40% on packages ranging from 700$-10,...$). This job will also give you royalties on your sales, creating a stream of passive income. Further details...
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